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Step #1: What You Need to Know Before We Speak

I look forward to talking with you and helping you determine what might be broken and what the potential for growth is in your business . . .

You’ll receive a separate email with my conference line info so you can call in . . .

Step #2: Prepare for the Call

  1. Make sure you’ve set aside time to watch the videos below. They will give you a much better understanding of what to expect, give you much more clarity.
  2. Make sure you are in a quiet room with no distractions for our call (with something to take notes with close by!)

Step 3: Please Watch These Videos Before Our Call:

5 Ways to Get Leads, Make Money and Stand Out With Your Podcast Today and Everyday

Positioning Yourself as an Authority to Stand Out, Get More Premium Leads and Charge More

If you aren’t familiar with my work…take a look at anything below….


Darla Desautel Testimonial-4
Abby Dishi testimonial-2

Media Mentions

Marketing with Russ-2
Press Release Service fox news-2
My speaking event fox 40-2